Getting Started
We’re so excited that you’re interested in submitting a file to DYM. This guide will help you deliver a programming element that’s high-quality and ready-to-use… for youth workers to play in ministries around the world!
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What To Include In Your Sidekick Submission:
- A .sidekick file, saved from the Sidekick app with all of the appropriate information in the file itself:
• the File Details,
• How to Play
• On-Screen instructions. (Please take into account who each of those sections is for. Don't cut and paste your short description in the "How to Play"...add details on how to play the game!) - A custom title graphic and custom background slide (1920 x 1080)
- At least 10 Question/Answer slides if it's a game built with Trivia or Pixelate. If it's a Survey Says game, please provide 7 questions.
- Preview image: The thumbnail version of the title slide.
Custom Title Graphics and Background should be:
Dimension: 1920px by 1080px
Resolution: 72 ppi (Pixels Per Inch)
Color Mode: RGB
File Type: JPG/JPEG
Preview Slides should be:
Dimension: 640px by 360px
Resolution: 72 ppi (Pixels Per Inch)
Color Mode: RGB
File Type: JPG/JPEG
Additional Guidelines:
Sometimes a simple idea can go a long way. If you have a great idea for an event, group game, or experience, please follow these notes to ensure that it’s something other youth workers can use in their ministry.
1. Sidekick is not just for Youth Ministries!
Schools, Camps, Parent Ministries, Children's Ministries, and other people who run programs are also using the app. Take them into consideration as you write your descriptions. Example: use "players" or "contestants" instead of "students" and use "your group" or "your room" instead of "your ministry" or "your youth room".
2. How To Play section
As you prepare these games for submission, be sure to look at it through the lens of someone who’s not played before--write clear instructions and include a supply list. The more detail you give, the easier it will be for a youth worker to execute.
3. Link to resources
Some ideas require props, materials, outside apps, etc. Be sure to check Supplies Required on the File Details window and include links to the necessary resources in a separate Word document. If you’d like, create an Amazon Idea List, and include the link with your submission, it’ll make playing your game that much easier!
4. Scale when possible
Some groups have 10 kids, others have 400. If “Blindfolded Crowbar Toss” game needed 15 crowbars for your 100-person group, make a note that smaller youth groups can get away with 8 crowbars.
Once you’re ready, compress your files using a .zip file (or share them with us using a Dropbox link) and submit it - you can send a Sidekick game file here!
If you’d like to add a Sidekick file to a resource (or replace a .dymgames file) that’s currently in the Pipeline, you can send a link to the Dropbox folder that contains that file using the chat for the resource it should be added to.
If you’d like to add a Sidekick file to a resource that’s already released in the store, submit that file through the Pipeline WITH THESE TWO ADDITIONAL PIECES OF INFORMATION INCLUDED:
- Add “SIDEKICK BONUS” at the beginning of the Resource Title and "Already in Store" (ex. Sidekick Bonus: Emoji Charades Vol 3 - Already in Store)
- In the Short Description field, include the name of the resource it will be added to (ex: Emoji Charades Vol 3)
If you have any questions, please contact us at
Thank you so much for partnering with DYM to help Youth Workers like you win!
The DYM Team
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