Keeping originals
Slide-Driven Games, Slide-Driven Games with Videos
When working in Photoshop, drag your questions and answer layers into a folder in your layers panel. Title that folder, “Question 001”. Then, once you’ve saved out your “01__Question.jpg” and “001_Answer.jpg” files, you can duplicate that folder and rename the copy, “Question 002”. Hide the original folder and edit the question and answers in the new folder. This will allow you to keep an original copy of each question in case you need to go back and fix something.
Multiple editions
Slide-Driven Games, Slide-Driven Games with Videos, Video-Driven Games
If a game is a hit, think about creating multiple volumes, or doing seasonal editions!
Game layout
Slide-Driven Games, Slide-Driven Games with Videos, Video-Driven Games
You can scale down your game’s logo and adding it to a corner of your slide to add a little touch of branding to your game.
Avoid harsh backgrounds
Slide-Driven Games, Slide-Driven Games with Videos, Video-Driven Games
Please avoid the following backgrounds: solid black, solid white, anything vibrant, and anything that makes the text hard to read. In most cases, adding a simple lens blur filter to a background image while slightly bringing down the brightness will make the text in the front pop out a little more.
Double-check EVERYTHING
Before you submit your game, please double-check spelling, the accuracy of answers, slide order, duplicate slides, and folder structure. This will help everything move quicker so more youth workers can play your game in their ministry!
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