In this type of resource, include these things:
Your Content
An additional "How-To Use" document and/or video to help the end-user understand what context the resource content fits into, how to implement into his/her ministry, and use with best success!
- A Supplies List document with links (if applicable)
Graphics: A thumbnail image for the product page on the website, possibly social media promotional graphics (if applicable)
1. Your Actual Content:
Adaptability is a key value for DYM content. Feel free to keep your church name, logo, etc., in administrative content, as this will help give users the big picture, but all resources must be editable for the end-user. You can also include your original content as an example file, and have a generic file for the end-user.
Text-based Content should be submitted in Word documents formatted using Arial font size 14
Spreadsheets should be submitted in Excel documents formatted using Arial font size 14.
2. "How to Use" Guide: Imagine handing your stuff to a brand-new youth ministry volunteer who answered an SOS call from a youth pastor who came down with the stomach flu and needed someone to run youth group last-minute - would they understand how to use your resource?
We always recommend explaining to the end-user how to use your resource in your product description and/or inside the download! When it's a simple trivia screen game, that could sound like a couple of tips on how to get the whole crowd involved or a fun prize idea.
For any resource that's a little more complex, like a game that's more like an event, or a type of training or administrative tool, explaining how to use the resource is an absolute must.
If it's training content, how did you roll this out with your group? What did you learn when you used it that would be helpful for someone else?
Want our advice? Hand it to a peer/friend, and ask them what questions they have. Their feedback is GOLD for you. Repeat this process until you are confident you have provided the clarity customers need. You want someone to download your resource and have no questions because you've been thorough to explain all the elements of your resource and are helping someone else implement it into their context (which might be very different from yours).
You can do this with written instructions in a Word Doc, and you can also consider including an Author Video. For more information about Author Videos check out another Help article: "DYM Author Pro Tip: Consider Including an Explanation Video."
3. Supplies List - In a separate document, include the list of supplies needed. Anytime you can include a link of where to purchase, say on Amazon, you have saved the customer time. When you save someone time, you deliver value. Some supplies might be pretty standard in a youth worker's closet or a quick trip to Walmart, like "pool noodles," others like "x tubes of paint per number of kids" would be super helpful to have a link to the paint you purchased on Amazon.
You will also want to write this list in such a way that it is ready for the end-user. By that, we mean write your supplies in such a way that makes it easy for various size groups to know how much of something they need. For example, rather than saying "30 tubes of paint," say "3 tubes of paint for each student." That way, the end-user can easily make the calculations for how much they'll need for their group.
4. Thumbnail Website Image: This is the image that will represent your resource on the website. Your image should include the name of the resource, so that in marketing content from DYM, if someone is only seeing the graphic, they know what your resource is about!
Visuals sell - you want your graphic to look good, and make your resource shine!
You might also, depending on the resource (say an event), want to include graphics that can be used to promote on social media.
Dimension: 640px by 360px
Resolution: 72 ppi (Pixels Per Inch)
Color Mode: RGB
File Type: JPG/JPEG
Ready? Add all documents to a folder labeled 'Resource Name -- Your Name.' Once you’re ready, compress your files using a .zip file (or share them with us using a Dropbox link) and submit it here!
If you have any questions, please contact us at
Thank you so much for partnering with DYM to help Youth Workers like you win!
The DYM Team
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