Instant training for you and your leaders on the amazing All Access video training of YMU.
- How to Add Leaders to YMU
- How does YMU work?
- What's the main idea behind these YMU 101-401 courses?
- Can I use my DYM Member Credits or my DYM account information to purchase and/or log-in to YMU?
- What devices will play the YMU videos?
- What's the best value for the size of my church or ministry?
Site License
- What does the church-wide site license include?
- How long is the site license good for?
- Can I add additional leaders throughout the year?
- Does the site license give me access to the courses listed under "Coming Soon"?
- Do my volunteers sign-in on my account or will they have their own log-in?
- Can I import a huge list of volunteers to YMU?