Do you want to cancel your DYM Membership? We realize that most of the time it's not because you don't LOVE IT, but it's because you are switching roles, churches or other life changes are involved.
Whatever the reason, just know that we will MISS YOU! You can come back and purchase another membership at any time and re-join the family. No hard feelings!
Let us know if there is ANYTHING we can do to change your mind!
1. Go to your Account page (must login)
2. Click 'Membership' on your Account page
3. Go to 'Manage Membership' and click Cancel Membership at the bottom of that section.*
4. Follow the steps listed and you're set.
Refund Policy
Monthly Memberships: No refunds will be issued for monthly memberships. You may cancel at any time, with no refund, and will have access to your membership until the end of the current billing period.
Annual DYM Memberships: No refunds will be issued after 7 days of purchase. If you choose to cancel within 30 days of purchasing the membership and would like a refund, you can email support and ask for a prorated refund for the remaining billing cycle.
Annual Platinum Memberships: No refunds will be issued for Platinum Memberships after 72 hours of purchase. If you choose to cancel within 72 days of purchasing the membership and would like a refund, you can email support and ask to be refunded for any unused portion of your membership.
*Sidekick memberships: to cancel your Sidekick membership please email us at We apologize that the cancellation option is not currently available on your 'Manage Membership' page.
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